Tuesday, December 20, 2011

There is no growth in comfort.....

As living things, our bodies adapt and develop because of stress.....

The human body is involved in a constant process of adapting to stresses or lack of stresses placed upon it. When you stress the body in a manner it’s unaccustomed to (overload), the body will react by causing physiological changes (adaptation) to be able to handle that stress in a better way the next time it occurs.

Every tissue in the body adapts to different kinds of stress. So if for example you want your muscles to grow, you must create the right kind of “overload” in the target muscle so it will adapt by increasing in size. If for example you want a muscle to just get stronger and not bigger, you must create overload in the target system which in this case is mostly neurological.

Simply stated if you do not achieve “OVERLOAD” during your workout you will not improve.

The biggest problem with almost every training program is that it does cause little or any overload in the target system such as muscles, nerves, lungs, hart, bones, tendons etc……

How do you know if you reached overload in your target system? How do you know if your training made any sense? The answer………..Your Personal Point of Overload (PPO)

When you apply all the prescribed principles in our programs, you know exactly when you reached yourPersonal Point of Overload (PPO). You know exactly when you stressed your body enough, forcing it to adapt to the stresses which where place upon it.
With your Personal Point of Overload PPO you know exactly:

  • how many sets to perform
  • when to increase weights
  • when you reached OVERLOAD in the target system
  • all your personal training variables
  • what to do to reach OVERLOAD at every workout


Rest is the least demanding -- yet, often neglected -- strength training requirement. Although adaptation demands overload, rest enables those adaptations to occur. Therefore, overload progression should be individualized and provide lifted muscles with 24 to 48 hours of rest, as stated by the NSCA. Consult a doctor before beginning a weightlifting program.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Psycho-analysis of weight loss

Our eating habits are strongly influenced by the emotions we feel. Our thoughts and will power play a significant role in deciding the amount we eat as well as the success and failure of our dieting expeditions.

Here’s how emotions affect our hunger pangs –

* Anger, depression, anxiety, boredom, and loneliness are triggers for reaching out to the cookie jar.

* You may wish to dull the pain of a confrontation or wash away the memories of being put down by your boss with a jumbo milk shake.

* Emotional hunger also manifests itself when you take food to overcome the anxieties of a close relationship and to avoid thoughts of rejection.

* If self-doubts plague you and you eat to push them down then you are a victim of your moods that push you to eat in excess.

* You may be using food to fill the gaps caused by the unfulfillment of some basic needs such as trust and a sense of belonging in a relationship.

* Often deprivations and hardships experienced as a child are strong triggers to an uncontrolled eating episode.

* You can also view eating as a means of asserting yourself. Nobody tells YOU what to eat!

* You may also take recourse to eating in order to avoid a challenging situation; either at home or at work.

In order to get the most out of your body from a diet you need to first get the most out of your mind. This is how you do it.

Start with a positive attitude. It has a lot to do with the final outcome, more so than the popularity of the health club, the drive of your trainer, and any miracle foods that you may be banking on. Do not whinge or rationalize lapses in your commitment. It will only distance you from your objective. If you have it in your head to do what it takes to achieve success, you will outdo yourself and achieve superlative results regardless of any shortcomings in genes or resources.

Plan for the long term. Treat getting into shape as an event forever and not just a temporary activity to lose a few inches. Equate wellness with a healthy lifestyle. If it involves making some tough decisions then please take those tough decisions. These will most probably be about your self-control, eating habits, and exercise routines.

Be practical and push yourself to achieve those practical aims. Do not start something that you may not be able to finish. Follow through on your decisions. If you become a member of a health club then do go there every day. Complete the entire course of a diet or an exercise plan; do not give up mid way.

There is never a “best moment” to start exercising. The best time is NOW. Do not procrastinate. You have to will yourself to achieve what you wish. Things “hardly” attained are better retained and you owe this not only to yourself but also to your loved ones. Take control of the situation and do not make excuses or shift blame for never being able to get started. Get mentally prepared for some tiredness and inconvenience. The soreness factor is largely a function of your own perception.

Accentuate the positive and focus on what you are gaining. Giving up those cheese and chocolate cakes is actually adding years to your life.

Remember that a target, any target is achieved by focusing on the final deliverable at all times. It is impossible to stay highly motivated all the times and the process will appear tedious at times but do not yield to the temporary relaxations. You do not have forever to get started. Work on it from now and enjoy the fruits forever.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Fight Science: punching power and its effects on the body


In recent years, there has been an explosion of interest and participation in fighting sports. Whether it would be active participation or as spectators, the media focused on the increased popularity of these events. These sports include mixed martial arts, karate, and the most recent, boxing. This research paper focuses on one of these three sports; boxing, but more specifically, the biomechanics of the punch and the development of the equipment to ensure the safety of its participants. Within this document, we will discuss how the forces are created during a punch, the injuries that are or can be created as a result, and apply that understanding to how safety equipment is developed or has to evolve to ensure the most optimum level of safety for the fighters using the equipment


You sit on your couch and turn on the television to the title fight that you have been waiting to watch for a month. During the first round, the person you are rooting for takes a punch to the chin and falls down. The bell rings and the fight is over. You now ask yourself “what happened?” To answer this question, one must understand the underlying biomechanics behind the knock out punch.

What is biomechanics? According to McGinnis(2005), “biomechanics is the study of forces and their effects on living things.” In essence, the study of biomechanics in relation to boxing or any other activity or sports is simply the relationship of movement and the forces pre, intra, and post of the initial activity or movement. As it relates to the subject of boxing, physiological or anatomical recruitment of specific muscles generate the forces necessary to create sufficient acceleration and torque which generate the forces needed to knock out the opponent.

When describing or attempting to discuss the forces behind a boxer’s punch and its effects on the body, one must take into account Newton’s three laws of physics; 1.an object at rest stays at rest or an object in motion stays in motion, unless a another outside force acts upon it, 2. The relationship of mass and it’s acceleration resulting in a force produced, and finally the third law which states the concept of action reaction (McGinnis, 2005).

Along with the three laws of Newton, we also must take into consideration muscular recruitment that causes movement to translate and transfer these forces from the puncher to the punched. Muscular flexion and extension, creating a kinetic chain (Wilmore, Costill, & Kennedy, 2008) allows the forces to move and achieve a successful knock-out punch.

The Punch: Forces and Biomechanics

-Muscular/Skeletal Component

Let us start with the muscular recruitment required to achieve the punch. The punch is a successful kinetic chain that releases energy at rest to energy in motion or force. The punch starts from the lower limbs and ends at the fist.

The punch starts with the right foot back. The right foot creates a plantar flexion (which primarily uses the gastrocnemius, soleus, and plantaris muscles). After the plantar flexion occurs, it is follow by the rotation of the right hip in the longitudinal plane. The rotation is then followed by a rotation of the torso, as the result of the flexion of the right internal oblique and left external oblique. As the rotation of the lower and mid body occurs, the right scapula is raised, and the flexion of the glenohumeral joint occurs (mainly caused by the pectoralis muscles, anterior deltoids, and latissimus dorsi)(http://www.180mma.com). Finally, the elbow joint is extended, as a result from the flexion of the triceps (http://www.180mma.com). The end result; a punch.

-The Forces Involved

Now that there is an understanding of the muscular recruitment required to create and translate these forces, we must understand what forces are created. To understand what forces are created, one must apply the three laws of Newton, as described in the previous pages.

According to Newtons 1st Law of Motion, a body at rest stays at rest, while a body in motion stays in motion (McGinnis, 2005). Initially, it is a pretty basic principle, if the boxer’s fist is not moving, then it will stay motionless until a force is generated to move it.

Newton’s 2nd Law is more complicated. In this law, he states that there is a relationship between acceleration and mass (McGinnis, 2005). This relationship is represented by the formula, F=MA (F=force, M=mass, and A=acceleration). What does this mean for boxing? According to this formula, the product of mass and acceleration will equal the amount of force. Greater the mass or great acceleration will yield a greater force output. In the sport of boxing, this is where weight classes come into play. According Stradley (2009), weight classes are important due to the amount of forces that boxers with a greater mass can create. In defense of this article, take into consideration a 210lbs fighter vs. a 150lbs fighter. According to the equation F=MA, the 210lbs fighter will yield a higher force output than the 150lbs fighter; this creates an unfair and unsafe fight. Although punching force does favor the heavier fighter, the equation gives the fighter two ways to increase the force output of the punch. As we already understand, an increase in mass will increase the force, but the force of the punch can also be increased by increasing the acceleration. Ultimately, there are two ways to create a stronger knock-out punch: an increase in mass and/or increase in acceleration.

The Newtons 3rd Law states the action reaction principle. According to McGinnis (2005), the 3rd law concludes that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. In relation to boxing, there are two primary components of the punch where this can be applied. First and foremost, as the boxer stands in his stance and pivots on the plantar flexion of the right back foot, gravity is acting downwards, while the reactant force from the ground pushes right back at the boxer. The other applicable case is when the hand makes contact with the strike zone or face, as the fist makes contact the force applied has an equal but opposite reaction on the punching hand.

Aftermath: Injuries

In the sport of boxing, there are three areas where the most injury occurs; the head, hands, and arms. As we discussed in the previous page, force is the result of the product of mass and acceleration. The greater the mass and/or acceleration, the higher the force created, which ultimately increases the risk of injury. According to the study performed by Potter, Snyder, and Smith (2011), there is an estimated 165,602 individuals who have sustained boxing related injury between the years of 1990-2008.

The forces created by the boxer as he/she delivers the punch has the potential to create tremendous damage to the opponent, especially if the contact point is the head. According to the study by Walilko, Viano, and Bir (2005), head punches increase the risk of head and jaw injury due to the straight punches delivered with such high impact velocity, and energy transfer. Ultimately, the level of severity increases as weight class increases. In relation to head injury and damage, ”punches to the head can cause detached retinas, brain hemorrhage, fractured bones, and permanent neurological disorders” (Walilko, Viano, and Bir 2008).

According to Newton’s 3rd law of action reaction, for every force applied, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This holds absolutely true for the damage to the boxers hand and arm. As the boxer punches, the force applied to the opponent is the same force applied to the boxers hand. Such tremendous force over long duration of time creates injury within the bones of the hand. According to a study by Keel (1995), metacarpal fractures are sustained from repetitive punching. The damage created by the reactive forces are also magnified when the hand is in a clenching position. The clenched fist creates exposure of the metacarpophalangeal joints. When tremendous forces are placed on these exposed areas, damage is most likely to occur (Hame & Melone, 2000). Moving up to the arm, forces transferring from hand to lower arm is also enough to create damage in the extensor carpi radialis brevis (Breeze, Ouellette, & Mays, 2009).

Safety Equipment: Forces and Rationale

How does understanding the forces created by the boxer effect the development of boxing equipment or protective equipment? By understanding the forces, an understanding of how to counteract the forces can be achieved. The impact or pressure of the impact is greatest at the sharpest point. By creating and engineering equipment such as a helmet, energy or force can be dispersed over a greater surface area. According to McGinnis (2005), as we increase the surface area and or time it takes to disperse force, the lesser its effect on the individual. Once these forces are absorbed or spread out, the risk of injury is greatly reduced. With the same thought process, the boxing gloves act the same way as the helmet. The gloves disperse the forces or energy over a greater surface area thus increasing the amount of time to disperse the energy. Instead of taking on the force at one point or a short period of time, gloves and helmets, increase the time it takes to disperse the forces due to the material and increased surface area.


There are two components to create a knock-out punch. The first component is muscular and skeletal recruitment and the second is the actual forces necessary to create the perfect punch. As we discussed, these forces are governed by the three laws of Newton; rest and motion, F=MA, and action reaction. Over years of continuous training, the boxer can increase his/her ability to punch harder either by increasing his/her ability to accelerate the fist, better muscular recruitment and strength, and finally increase in mass and size. Ultimately, by understanding the forces created to injure, the same knowledge can be used to create and develop equipment to decrease or eliminate boxing related hand or head injuries.

Monday, November 7, 2011

What is Crossfit, and is it good for triathletes?

The off-season is the time of year when triathlon experts agree that everyone should head to the weight room. Muscle is eaten away over a season of long, exhaustive aerobic exercise, and winter is the time to build back your muscle mass and increase power for faster biking, more efficient running, and injury prevention. Triathletes need to train differently from body builders, doing longer sets to increase muscular endurance rather than maximum power. In The Triathletes Bible, Joe Friel recommends beginning a winter weight-training cycle with 3-5 sets of 20-30 repetitions, and many other coaches recommend maintaining a similar weight training regime throughout the winter. However, doing bodyweight squats ad nauseum is enough to send most scrawny, cardio-loving triathletes screaming out of the weight room for a 6-mile run.
Crossfit is gaining popularity among endurance athletes and the general population as a fun way to build strength, power, and top-end aerobic fitness. CrossFit's followers are often compared to a cult, with its flock sounding like fanatics to the un-indoctrinated athlete. The fact that CrossFit has its own language of acronyms, proper names, and invented words only serves to further-confuse skeptics. But where there are devoted followers, there is often a core concept that resonates, and in this case thousands of rock-hard bodies to back up CrossFit's credibility.

What is CrossFit?

CrossFit is as much an online community as a fitness philosophy. At its core, CrossFit is just a blog where a workout of the day (WOD) is posted every day, and CrossFitters around the world can post their results for all to see. CrossFit calls the sharing aspect of their training "evidence based fitness" because workouts can always be quantified, usually by time. Sometimes the WOD contains a prescribed number of sets and repetitions, and the time each participant takes to finish the whole workout is posted. Other days, the time is fixed and participants post the number of repetitions they were able to complete in the allotted time.
The WOD's attempt to deliver "constantly varied, high-intensity, functional movement" through a combination of high-intensity aerobic exercise (such as track sprints or fast rowing), gymnastics moves, and Olympic-style weightlifting. According to CrossFit's own charter, CrossFit aims to train all kinds of athletes from triathletes, to fire fighters, to powerlifters by being "by design, broad, general, and inclusive." CrossFit avoids muscle isolation, favoring multi-joint movements through the full range of motion to best mimic the movements an athlete will use in his sport.

When is CrossFit right for triathletes?

CrossFit attempts to (re)define fitness based on ten "recognized fitness domains," including not only cardiovascular and respiratory endurance, stamina, and speed, but also strength, flexibility, power, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy. While the focus on sprinting, strength, and power may be contraindicated for mid-season triathlon training, the strength and neurological adaptations may be appropriate for many triathletes trying to increase their strength, power, muscle mass, and neuroendocrine system in the offseason.

Cross fit Endurance (CE), is lighter on the weight training, but still re-invents traditional endurance training based on the philosophy that if you work on the neurological aspects of your sport, endurance will come. The more efficient an athlete is, the less energy it will take her to go fast, and the less she will fatigue over time. CrossFit develops neurological pathways through plyometric training, while CE focuses on specificity by developing strength and power through exercises like hill sprints and short, fast swim sets with little recovery. CE marathon plans don't actually involve long runs, and most workouts take significantly less than an hour to do. For those who become all-out CrossFitters, CE may become their only in-season training plans, while traditional-minded triathletes may use CE as the basis for their in-season quality sessions, or as part of a reverse periodization plan.

When is Crossfit wrong for triathletes?

Crossfit involves a number of complex movements under load, putting the weak areas at risk for injury, especially if an athlete's form is off. Triathletes who do not have an extensive weight-lifting background should not begin a Crossfit training program on their own without a personal trainer, physiotherapist, or certified Crossfit trainer to supervise their form.
Triathletes interested in beginning Crossfit training should also undergo a basic strength adaptation program comprised of controlled movements to get past the initial high-soreness, high-injury-risk phase of any strength training program before beginning a Crossfit program. Since integrating strength training into your program is likely to affect the quality of your aerobic workouts, athletes should avoid beginning a Crossfit program mid-season.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Functional vs. Traditional Training; Which is better?

If you were to ask almost any fitness or strength and conditioning professional what the newest trend is with training athletes and regular clientele, some use of the word functional training would come out of their mouth. The term functional has taken the strength-training world to a whole new level. Some trainers will do exercises because they look cool, but in actuality they have no idea what the purpose of the exercise is. In some cases functional training has taken over the more common traditional training techniques. Is this bad? I don't think so, as long as you can justify why and for what purpose you are doing the exercise for.

Many experts and researchers have various opinions about functional training, but most of them have a common definition for what it is supposed to accomplish. Functional training can be stated as "specific exercises that most closely replicate and enhance the activities you want to do outside in the three-dimensional world". Another description portrays functional strength training as a means of performing work against resistance specifically in a way that the strength gained directly benefits the execution of activities of daily living (ADL's) and movements associated with sports. Transferring the increases in strength that were achieved through one movement and then connecting them back to improvements of performance of another movement by affecting the neuromuscular system is the major goal of functional strength training.

Traditional strength training techniques, which are more common among average workout enthusiasts, are still very important parts of strength training. The major focus of traditional strength training is on isolation of an individual muscle to maximize overload. The more traditional exercises that are thought of might include leg presses, dip machines, leg extension machines etc. Depending on what you are training for these so called traditional lifts can help you achieve your goal, possibly even more than the functional lifts could. Although, they are considered traditional exercises they may be considered functional depending on what your goal or function to improve is. If bodybuilding is your major goal, then these too can be considered functional for you.

Functionality depends not only on the exercise itself but also on many other factors, such as the pattern of execution, the characteristics of the athlete, reps, and sets, the manner of execution, the phase of training, interaction with other training, the current physical and mental state of the athlete, the overall training program, and several other variables. If you are a football player then you are training to become more functional or efficient on the field. If you enjoy gardening but it is too hard for you to do, then the function you are trying to improve might include being able to work in the garden longer without becoming overly fatigued. No matter what activity you do or don't do, it is possible to train your muscles and brain to help you perform these activities more efficiently.

The movements of functional training require the client to coordinate balance and control, in addition to timing the muscle contractions similar to how they might need to in jumping to get a rebound, staying in a good defensive stance while shuffling left and right, or even putting the groceries up in the cabinet. The major adjustment the body must make in order to improve functional performance includes coordination, range of motion, type of contraction, and speed of movement. Traditional strength training is not as effective to improve theses things as much as functional training is. Every machine that is used has a certain range of motion that is, allowed once that is met, that's it. Functional exercises can allow the body to challenge even more ROM. Speed of movement is not hard to perform with traditional strength training, but with limited ROM the carry over effect may not be as significant. In addition, traditional training methods control the speed of the movement in order to maximize hypertrophy and strength gains while making sure the person performing the exercise is safe.

One of the most important things that functional training helps to do is increase core stabilization. With increased core stabilization we are better able to control our bodies through different planes and movements. Core stabilization can help the more elderly population perform ADL's with more ease and athletes control their bodies through awkward positions more effectively.

Research has shown that the greatest improvement in performance comes after training a muscle using the same type of contraction that the test is conducted in. This goes to show that functional training is definitely effective because the whole purpose is to train for the movement or activity that you are performing. If a football player wants to become more explosive, a functional exercise for him would not be a leg press, even though it will help to increase strength, instead a more functional exercise for him might be some variation of an Olympic lift, such as a power clean. If a grandmother wants to be able to play with her grandchildren, doing exercises where she is in a fixed position that only allows a certain ROM would not help her the most, but something where she is on her feet or getting up and down off of the ground might be more suitable. As personal trainers and strength coaches we must be able to analyze the movement the client wants to accomplish and find or invent, using sound practices, exercises that are more functional towards that goal.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Protein.........what? when? why?

Protein consists of amino acids, which are the very building blocks of muscle tissue. There are 22 amino acids, some of which the body can make on its own, and some that must be provided in the diet. The combination of the different amino acids in a protein source is called the amino acid profile. Each type of protein has a different amino acid profile. This is why it is best to eat a variety of proteins sources as well as use a variety of protein powder supplements. The most popular types of protein powders are whey, casein, egg, and soy.

Whey protein is by far the most popular and most heavily used protein supplement. Whey protein is cheaper per gram of protein than most other types of protein. Whey protein is absorbed very quickly by the digestive system and reaches the muscles quickly. Whey protein is best used as the first meal of the day because your body has not had any protein for many hours during the night and you want to get it in your bloodstream right away. Use whey protein immediately following a workout because this is the most important time to take in a large quantity of protein and you want to get to your muscles as soon as possible.

Casein protein is a bit more expensive than whey protein, but is absorbed at a much slower rate. This fact makes casein protein the supplement of choice right before bedtime. A generous serving of casein protein can provide your muscles with a steady supply of protein for 5 to 6 hours as opposed to 1 or 2 hours for whey protein. Casein protein is also an excellent choice if you think it may be a long time before your next protein serving.

Egg protein is not nearly as popular as whey or casein mostly because of its cost. It is, however an excellent supplement with a high BV (Biological Value is used to indicate how much of the protein is actually used by the body) and excellent amino acid profile. I like to add egg protein to my whey and casein shakes for variety or occasionally as a substitute.

Soy Protein, which comes from the soy bean, while popular with vegetarians, is slightly inferior to whey, egg and casein protein. While this may be true based upon its incomplete amino acid profile, it is still an excellent way to add variety to your protein intake, and is recommended as an addition to your overall supplement diet.

How much protein do I need each day?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to that question, and research on the topic is still emerging. The Institute of Medicine recommends that adults get a minimum of 0.8 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight per day—that's about 64 grams for a 160 pound adult. In the U.S., adults get an average of 15 percent of their calories from protein; for a person who requires a 2,000-calorie-per-day-diet, that's about 75 grams of protein. In healthy people, increasing protein intake to 20 to 25 percent of calories can reduce the risk of heart disease, if the extra protein replaces refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, white rice, or sugary drinks. Higher protein diets can also be beneficial for weight loss, in conjunction with a reduced calorie diet, although long-term evidence of their effectiveness is wanting.

For people in good health, consuming 20 to 25 percent of calories from protein won't harm the kidneys. For people with diabetes or early-stage kidney disease, however, the American Diabetes Association recommends limiting protein intake to 0.8 to 1.0 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight (roughly 10 percent of energy intake), since this may help improve kidney function; in later stage kidney disease, sticking to the 0.8 grams per kilogram minimum is advisable. Consult a doctor or a registered dietitian for individualized protein recommendations.

  1. NBJ’s Sports Nutrition and Weight Loss Report 2007-2008. Nutrition Business Journal. Boulder CO. New Hope Natural Media, January 2008.
  2. Paul GL. The rationale for consuming protein blends in sports nutrition. J Am Coll Nutr. 2009 Aug;28 Suppl:464S-472S. Review.
  3. Boirie Y, Dangin M, Gachon P, Vasson MP, Maubois JL, Beaufrère B. Slow and fast dietary proteins differently modulate postprandial protein accretion. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1997 Dec 23;94(26):14930-5.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fast Twitch vs. Slow Twitch: What type are you?

Type I Fibers

Ask yourself this question: Do you want to be able to run ridiculously fast for a short period of time, or do you want to be able to run for hours and hours without wearing down? Believe it or not, your muscles are composed of certain fibers that are already destined to be one or the other. However, with enough proper training you can actually control how much of each type of fiber you have in that body of yours. What are these fibers?

Type I fibers are “slow twitch” fibers. They use oxygen to fire, and they take longer to get going, but they can go for a longer period of time without getting tired. The force per contraction on these muscle fibers is spread out over time. People who have trained for marathons and enjoy running long distances (not me) will have a higher percentage of Type I fibers (that are more efficient) than a sprinter or a couch potato.

Type IIb Fibers

Type IIb fibers are “fast twitch” fibers. These fire anaerobically (without oxygen), they fire extremely quickly, but they get tired easily.

Sprinters and most fast animals in nature (cheetahs, lions, deer, etc.) will have more “fast twitch” fibers: longer periods of rest, followed by ridiculous amounts of quick speed and energy. Guys loaded with Type IIb fibers will tire more easily on long distance runs, but they can definitely beat your ass off the line in a quick race. Because it’s such a great amount of force in such a short amount of time, these fibers are also used in weight training.

Type IIa Fibers

Fence riders…halfway between type I and Type IIb. These are equal parts aerobic and anaerobic. Not great at long distances, not great at sprinting, but pretty good for either. The “jack of all trades” muscle fiber, if you will.

Those are your three different types of muscles fibers.

You’re born with these fibers in certain proportions, and they will affect how successful you are at either developing as a long distance guy, or a sprinter guy. Most bodies have 50% of Type 1 and 50% of Type 2 (A and B), but many elite athletes (world class marathon runners, Olympic sprinters) can have up to 80% of one or the other. Obviously a sprinter with 80% fast twitch fibers will have a better chance of being fast than somebody with only 30% fast twitch fibers.

Your muscle fiber composition is already built into your genetics. It’s like picking a random race whenever you start playing an RPG: initially, you already have certain strengths and weaknesses (stamina and strength vs. intelligence and wisdom, etc.), but by the end of the game you’ve done enough leveling that you can erase those differences and mold your guy into exactly what you want.

The real world is no different. Studies suggest that it’s possible through training to adjust the levels of each of your types of muscle fibers. If yo genetics say you should be a sprinter, but you really want to run marathons…enough training will make your muscles conform and function better with increased amounts of Type II fibers. Of course, had you been born with 80% slow twitch muscles your path to better marathons might be easier, but you can still get there…you just need to bust your ass and work harder!

Moral of the story:

Your genetics might have you already set up to be better at one thing or the other, but hat doesn’t mean you don’t have a choice. Do what makes you happy, and with enough persistence and solid training you can control how your muscles function. Personally, the thought of running really fast excites me more than running for a really long time, so that’s how my training is directed. Plus, looking like a sprinter isn’t a bad side effect.

Works Cited:

Andersen, JL; Schjerling, P; Saltin, B. Scientific American. "Muscle, Genes and Athletic Performance" 9/2000. Page 49

McArdle, W.D., Katch, F.I. & Katch,V.L. (1996). Exercise physiology : Energy, nutrition and human performance

Lieber, R.L. (1992). Skeletal muscle structure and function : Implications for rehabilitation and sports medicine. Baltimore : Williams & Wilkins.

Andersen, JL; Schjerling, P; Saltin, B. Muscle, Genes and Athletic Performance. Scientific American. 9/2000

Thayer R, Collins J, Noble EG, Taylor AW. A decade of aerobic endurance training: histological evidence for fibre type transformation. Journal of Sports Medicine & Phys Fitness. 2000 Dec;40(4).

Sunday, October 16, 2011

To Carb Or Not To Carb........That is the Question......

Carbohydrates often get a bad rap, especially when it comes to weight gain. But carbohydrates aren't all bad. Because of their numerous health benefits, carbohydrates have a rightful place in your diet. In fact, your body needs carbohydrates to function well. But some carbohydrates may be better for you than others. Understand more about carbohydrates and how to choose healthy carbohydrates.


Carbohydrates are a type of macronutrient found in many foods and beverages. Most carbohydrates are naturally occurring in plant-based foods, such as grains. Food manufacturers also add carbohydrates to processed foods in the form of starch or added sugar. The most basic carbohydrate is a sugar molecule, which joins together one or two units of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Other carbohydrates contain three or more units of the carbon-hydrogen-oxygen trio.

Common sources of naturally occurring carbohydrates include:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Milk
  • Nuts
  • Grains
  • Seeds
  • Legumes


  • Sugar. Sugar is the simplest forms of carbohydrates. Sugar occurs naturally in some foods, including fruits, vegetables, milk and milk products. Sugars include fruit sugar (fructose), table sugar (sucrose) and milk sugar (lactose).
  • Starch. Starch is made of sugar units bonded together. Starch occurs naturally in vegetables, grains, and cooked dry beans and peas.
  • Fiber. Fiber also is made of sugar units bonded together. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and cooked dry beans and peas are among foods that are naturally rich in fiber

You may see terms such as "low carb" or "net carbs" on some products, or promoted by some diet programs. But the Food and Drug Administration doesn't regulate these terms, so there's no standard meaning. Net carbs is typically used to mean the amount of carbohydrates in a product excluding fiber or excluding both fiber and sugar alcohols.

You've probably also have heard talk about the glycemic index. The glycemic index classifies carbohydrate-containing foods according to their potential to raise your blood sugar level. Many healthy foods, such as whole grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits and low-fat dairy products, are naturally low on the glycemic index. Weight-loss diets based on the glycemic index typically restrict foods with a relatively high glycemic index ranking, such as potatoes and corn. However, there also are health benefits from these foods, so you don't necessarily have to eliminate them from your diet.


The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that carbohydrates make up 45 to 65 percent of your total daily calories. So, if you get 2,000 calories a day, between 900 and 1,300 calories should be from carbohydrates. That translates to between 225 and 325 grams of carbohydrates a day.

You can find the carbohydrate content of packaged foods by reading the Nutrition Facts label. The Nutrition Facts label shows total carbohydrates, which includes starches, fiber, sugar alcohols, and naturally occurring and added sugars. It may also list total fiber, soluble fiber and sugar separately. You may also be able to find nutrient calculators online or find information on a manufacturer's website.


Despite their bad rap, carbohydrates are vital to your health for a number of reasons.

Providing energy
Your body uses carbohydrates as its main fuel source. Sugars and starches are broken down into simple sugars during digestion. They're then absorbed into your bloodstream, where they're known as blood sugar (glucose). From there, the glucose enters your body's cells with the help of insulin. Some of this glucose is used by your body for energy, fueling all of your activities, whether it's going for a jog or simply breathing. Extra glucose is stored in your liver, muscles and other cells for later use or is converted to fat.

Protecting against disease
Some evidence shows that whole grains and dietary fiber from whole foods helps reduce your risk of cardiovascular diseases. Fiber may also protect against obesity and type 2 diabetes. Fiber is also essential for optimal digestive health.

Controlling weight
Evidence shows that eating plenty of vegetables, fruits and whole grains can help you control your weight. Their bulk and fiber content aids weight control by helping you feel full on fewer calories. Contrary to what some weight-loss diets claim, very few studies show that a diet rich in healthy carbohydrates leads to weight gain or obesity.


Carbohydrates are an essential part of a healthy diet, and they also provide many important nutrients. Still, not all carbs are created equal. Here's how to make healthy carbohydrates work in a balanced diet:

  • Emphasize fiber-rich fruits and vegetables. Aim for whole fresh, frozen and canned fruits and vegetables without added sugar. They're better options than are fruit juices and dried fruits, which are concentrated sources of natural sugar and therefore have more calories. Also, whole fruits and vegetables add fiber, water and bulk, and help you feel fuller on fewer calories.
  • Choose whole grains. All types of grains are good sources of carbohydrates. They're also rich in vitamins and minerals and naturally low in fat. But whole grains are healthier choices than are refined grains. Whole grains are better sources of fiber and other important nutrients, such as selenium, potassium and magnesium. Refined grains go through a process that strips out certain parts of the grain — along with some of the nutrients and fiber.
  • Stick to low-fat dairy products. Milk, cheese, yogurt and other dairy products are good sources of calcium and protein, plus many other vitamins and minerals. Choose the low-fat versions, though, to help limit calories and saturated fat. And beware of dairy products that have added sugar.
  • Don't forget beans and legumes. Legumes — beans, peas and lentils — are among the most versatile and nutritious foods available. Legumes are typically low in fat, contain no cholesterol, and are high in folate, potassium, iron and magnesium. They also have beneficial fats, and soluble and insoluble fiber. Because they're a good source of protein, legumes can be a healthy substitute for meat, which has more saturated fat and cholesterol.
  • Limit added sugars. Added sugar probably isn't harmful in small amounts. But there's no health advantage to consuming any amount of added sugar. In fact, too much added sugar, and in some cases naturally occurring sugar, can lead to such health problems as tooth decay, poor nutrition and weight gain.

So choose your carbohydrates wisely. Limit foods with added sugars and refined grains, such as sugary drinks, desserts and candy, which are packed with calories but low in nutrition. Instead, go for whole grains and fruits and vegetables.